New secret society of vegans T arrived in today's post!! :-) thanks gonna put it on right now!!!

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Spot by Brian Ajhar for the food section about Thanksgiving and vegans vs. carnivores

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Organic, Gmo-free Cotton Candy 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎

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vegans out here remakin the nasty patty

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What people think vegans eat vs. what vegans actually eat

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Went out for vegan cream tea. I'm pretty satisfied by my life choices.

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It's hump day - get over a dreary Wednesday with DELICIOUS ieco cookies!

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"Human society sustains itself by transforming nature into garbage."
~Mason Cooley

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Sunday Joke: Vegans think butchers are gross. But people who sell fruits and vegetables are grocer!

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Hey right now I'm eating VEGAN ice cream that tastes like actual Nutella! You go vegans, you go.

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Vegans are sooo last year. 2018 will be all about the plant eating, and smoking Ganjatarian.

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Some vegans are more hardcore than others.

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27/28! My penultimate And it's a chick pea and sweet potato curry!! 💙 The Vegan Boys are based here on the Isle of Wight and cater amazing street food for vegans & coeliacs!

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