Digimon I'd probably *actually* get as a partner :v
(Veggiemon is fine tho, it's cute XD)

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Mientras Missimon crece, Veggiemon ha evolucionado al cazador de Parasaurmon, Ajatarmon. El objetivo de es BloomLordmon, y mañana el caballero floral ya estará en su peleando en el modo aventura.🌹

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My JP Digivice has a Mambomon and Veggiemon, currently, while my US one has an Agumon and Betamon

You'd think the older, more powerful Japanese Digimon would poop more but no, Agumon and Betamon are absolute excrement machines.

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so much veggiemon bondage it's not even funny
(kidding - it's hilarious)

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