EASY CHOICE! Zydeco, he’s still a baby and my first Veilspun dragon

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I went back to Flight Rising recently after some three years and the moment I saw the Veilspun I HAD to make a Rowan dragon. Then of course I made an dragon to go with them c:

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so i draw way too many dragons

here's just a small adopt dump of the one's i've done recently for

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Sometimes for myself too (the last veilspun is of my own lizards). I can be found on the site by the name Juga!

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A gift I made for my friend yesterday featuring their Veilspun and food items from Flight Rising! 🥰✨

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For the first content update of 2023: A much needed gene expansion for Veilspun (1/2)

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Petra, Caspar, Bernadetta and Ferdinand! Came up with these all in one night lol I didn't initially set out to make Hubernie a breeding pair, that was just a happy accident~ The Veilspun art just fits so well for both of them!! Also very happy with how Petra came out.

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haven’t been drawing much..have my veilspun umbra from flightristing.

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플라 레어라 하양하양한데 지인분들께 받은 아이들이 튈까봐 이왕에 튄다면 확실히 튀게하자. 하고 스킨이랑 어패럴 끼움!!

블림이 보내 주신 Veilspun
고운님이 보내주신 Spiral

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here is what i want veilspun aiba to look like

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and then lastly these two! I've been wanting a Veilspun since I saw they existed and this was the closest one to the vibe I want for a veilspun that I've come across so far

and then the other one,,, its giving egg. Its giving,, gudetama, and I want more Tundras

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The encyclopedia says Veilspun dragons sleep in clusters :)

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used this image for reference, it only has the female sprites butthere's not much of a difference between genders for nocturnes and velispun, female ridgebacks are the largest breed in the game though, the little pink spot on the white ones tail is a veilspun. tiny speck

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decided to check in on FR while i can't sleep anyway and Hello Beautiful Hatchling (XYX Abyss/Shadow, Fade/Constellation/Runes, Female Veilspun)

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Another addition to my family.
I'm so in love with Veilspun dragons... 🥺💕

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my most heavily invested dragon, Anankos the Veilspun. Sky Fade / Constellation / Thorns, light multi-gaze. I had to change his breed, his eyes, and all his genes.

Worth it tho.

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