Creo que esto es lo que llaman un poco expresando cómo me he sentido tras una serie de eventos desafortunados estos días, está pasando mucho por mi cabeza y trato de procesarlo, inspirado por la tercera temporada de

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thank you very much for the chance ix! 🥺
(art by @/leventart, @/selann_dw @/RobasArel + @/ixqvina)

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T i r e d. Maybe it's ventart, maybe it's not hehehe.

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Some slightly oldish feat. my god awful writing once again.

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I also loooove elves!
Here's just a few of mine
Asphodel, Abylene, Nereum and Dahlia!

(Artist include: @/leventart, @/atananook, @/kirkas_karaff, @/noirsnowart, @/Lactic_Wanda, @/YuxingArt, @/Tapi000ca, @/Caminukai, @/saltmatey, and @/D4YBREAKER )

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Thanks for the chance Vii! I'll submit Abylene and Nereum!

(Artist: @/RobasArel, @/noirsnowart, @/leventart, @/YuxingArt, @/Tapi000ca and @/Caminukai )

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"The past"
Un peu de ventart, ça faisais longtemps.
Ce dessin est émo, mais il est stylax

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Thank you for the chance !
I'll leave Abylene and Nereum 💕

(Artist include: @/RobasArel, @/noirsnowart, @/leventart, @/YuxingArt, @/Tapi000ca and @/Caminukai )

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Thanks for the chance! I offer up a few of my characters for consideration 💕

(Artist include: @/saltmatey, @/YuxingArt, @/Caminukai, @/D4YBREAKER, @/actualsailboat, @/Tapi000ca, @/leventart, @/noirsnowart , @/atananook and picrew by @/Yunomoto5 )

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You know who I'll throw up.
Art by @/transmutis /leventart, @/maewix1

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It's Eloise Oroq appreciation day today, and every day!!! Art by @/Alienproteinnn, @/leventart, dovahcaine on tumblr, and @/hollycircling

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// Ventart, cringe







Idk- solo hice este cosito para medio desahogarme a ¿¿

Perdón que el dibujo que suba después de un tiempo sea este,, Mañana intentaré subir otro mejor ;v;

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Dicen que el arte donde muestras tus pensamientos y emociones mas tristes y negativos se llaman y como ultimamente me he sentido super mal, pues esto me ayuda *un 10%* en liberar mi depresion, ansiedad y desesperacion ;;
Perdon por ser tan depresiva
//Soy yo en el arte

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VENTART, everywhere! 💥
[ (S)Pooka ] + [ Ignite ] + [ For the rest of your Life ] + [ Goodbye Blue Sky! ]

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