🎊🎊🎉is my birthday🎊🎊🎉!!!!

this year has been great and ive met a bunch of wonderful people..my artist wish is to keep improving, find more avenues for success and have your continued blessing🥰🥰have some of my latest works from honkai/genshin !!

17 109

There are 2 Art Exhibitions happening in London until 10 July. The venues are fairly close (only 1 stop away), plan a day trip to Waterloo and support both!

12 23

Forest Capriccio Concert Venue is set
Concerts in real-life venues are irreplaceable with stunning audiovisual effects and powerful emotional resonance.
Besides stream, the concert will be featured at cinemas around the world and a wonderful beach to usher in an incredible feast!… https://t.co/bmCEhtIWpk

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Interior Product Series:
Themed on 'Illustrations as Interior', Yoneyama Mai () features an array of interior products fully covered by her artwork to explore additional avenues, where it could seamlessly integrate into daily life.


33 294

🔔Nouvelle anecdote ! https://t.co/eyvCncgzoz

Vous les reconnaissez ?😉

Il s'agit... des Champs-Élysées, à la fin du 18e s !

Voici 10 anecdotes sur la plus célèbre des avenues. Entre autres, saviez-vous que c'est sur les Champs que l'on entendit du saxophone pour la 1re fois ?

13 42

Thank you for buying "Sing the Blues" from ... I will use the revenues to buy artworks


2 8

O ridged & poignant Avenues

Cerulean and Paint-

Brush cobalt which brushed the waves

To weave Atlantean Fabulae

That wove over untrammeled brow

2 2


After ten years of playing shows, releasing music, launching music venues and all the bits in between I can now say that my debut album is here 🖤

Listen, Share, Tell me what you think, it's yours now.

Your friend, Jacko x


28 176

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

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👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

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👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

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👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

0 0

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

0 1

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

0 0

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

1 1

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

0 1

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

0 1

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

2 6

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

0 3

👉 build in all markets game dev, Venues, Instruments, and Backstage Bastard all still ahead

4 8