Madama is very quiet yet observant.

She would view Exen as non-threatening and want to design clothing for him!

Madama wouldn't want to fight Exen, but rather talk ^^

She has a garden full of venys flytraps and roses, where she can invite Exen so they can talk! ^^

0 2

Would you have a date with Venys for valentines? I would!

7 24

FIL [1/2] Els pobles de Tivenys i Xerta s'han unit aquest migdia en una cadena humana a sobre de l'Assut en suport als afectats per l'incendi de la Ribera d'Ebre, les Garrigues i el Segrià. Tot seguit, s'ha fet un vermut solidari per recaptar fons per a Rebrotem.

31 80

2n bunch of oldies: the Bortherhood of vivenys

1 22