I will post my favourite Master & Padawan duos from the High Republic this week✨

First is Stellan Gios and Vernestra Rwoh☺️

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Celebrating two asexual characters from The High Republic for pride month: Vernestra Rwoh and Leox Gyasi 🖤🤍💜

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Vernestra Rwoh was a Mirialan female Jedi Knight alive during the High Republic Era. She was also occasionally nicknamed "Vern," although she disliked it.

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In honor of I talk about why Vernestra Rwoh is important as an Aromantic character in Star Wars: The High Republic over on the

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ジュニアノベル「Mission to Disaster」読了。VernestraやAvonの新たなミッション。前作登場キャラの成長が見れて微笑ましい。しかし「Fallen Star」読んだ後だと色々と悲しくなってくる要素が満載だな…。

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My top 4 characters from the High Republic

-Vernestra Rwoh
-Bell Zettifar
-Leox Gyasi
-Avon Starros https://t.co/AC5D07bnlB

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My top four High Republic characters

- Elzar Mann
- Reath Silas
- Stellan Gios
- Bell Zettifar

Special shout out to Avar Kriss, Vernestra Rwoh, Marchion Ro, Loden Greatstorm, and last but not least Geode the 🐐 https://t.co/l8OtniJnt7

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"High Republic Adventures: Annual 2021" is a fabulous collection of 5 short and sweet stories, each written by a different author. Loden Greatstorm, Geode, Vernestra, and more grace the pages and every panel is a joy! Check out my review here: https://t.co/0XGCRhwnoQ

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The High Republic - Mission to Disaster

Two new Theelin husbands got me feelin things, and of course there's our illustrious ace/aro main character Vernestra!

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Earlier today, this ANNUAL 2021 variant cover by Derek Charm feat. and was available at IDW's online shop. It appears to be sold out now. https://t.co/4JNJ5kLK6m

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In new canon we have Vernestra from The High Republic who has a lightsaber that can become a light whip.

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Even in new canon we have Vernestra from The High Republic who has a lightsaber that can become a light whip.

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YAノベル「Out of the Shadows」読了。主役を務めたことのあるVernestraとReathのクロスオーバー…と思っていたら予想以上にガッツリ本筋に絡む重要作で驚いた。Vernestraの心情も丁寧に描かれていて良い。しかし明かされる新情報が多すぎて困る…。

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I just can't understand anyone whose favorite character isn't Vernestra "Don't Call Me Vern" Rwoh. She works on so many levels that all translate to a real-world understanding it's crazy. She's maybe the most "us" character in ever.

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High Republic Jedi Vernestra Rwoh is on the cover of Unknown Comics' variant (https://t.co/gL0uYEggdT). Issue is up for preorder on June 3 at 12 p.m. Central time (but right now on the app). It's due out June 30.

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