efeitos mandela dos pokémon

o feraligator e a vespiqueen na verdade não se chamam feraligator e vespiqueen

por causa dos limites de caracteres dos jogos em que eles apareceram pela primeira vez, seus nomes são FERALIGATR e VESPIQUEN

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mandela effect: this motherfucker isn’t called vespiqueen

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Mis pokes para el nuevo de =)
Combee y Vespiqueen de Kiru
Basados en los Tabanos Gran Tirano (o mas bien los del sur dr chile), y los volcanes tambien del sur de chile

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Miette would actually just be Combee- because she loves bees and honey. ;w; One day she will be a Vespiqueen~ https://t.co/OjA7bYdELM

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Gen 4 416: Vespiqueen described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The 2nd image is the official on brand look on that Catch them all at https://t.co/KtbFm894B8

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These are too cute for my health.
I'd die for a chibi Vespiqueen

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Experimenting with lining and shading as i take a quick break from comms. Also Kill la Kill will always be one of my favorite shows

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ver. Humanizada.
Es la primera de varias piezas de humnaización Pokémon.

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Vespiqueen on a flower
I guess this is october related haha

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an art trade with


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Vic was hard. Was stuck between vulpix, persian, and vespiqueen. One left now!

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Bicho: Vespiqueen
(voy atrasadisimo, lo se)

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