Happy 14th anniversary to Tales of Vesperia! In a bit of a writing burnout so I decided to draw two characters extremely important to me- Judith and Rita (and Ba'ul). It's not the greatest drawing but I'm proud of it at least 💗💗

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yuri getting a little kissy is the highest form of self-care 😌

{DAY 5} menu 1 - yuri(/raven) 💘 | menu 2 - appreciation for your fave 😳

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Unfortunately I don't really have time to create new content for now, but here's some (really quite) old art for day 1!

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didn't manage to get all my new pieces for the week done (though i'm planning on finishing them later!) so have some older pieces!!
{DAY 1} menu 1 - estelle(/judith) 🥀 | menu 2 - your favourite ship (yuraven) 🌸

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