, So i started posting my VP on twitter summer19 still a noob haha. I don't know if I have a particular style? looking at my shots I see lot of front/back portraits and scenery shots. Anything that gives me a good vibe IN! ❤️

6 59

Lately I been doing black and white backgrounds for games that I love I always try my best to get that perfect dark and light background for my photos

37 146

Hi, my name is Maty and I'm italian, I love so much Final fantasy games, especially FFXV and I love taking portraits and landscapes' pics X3
I don't know if I have some kind of style but I always try to do my best >w<

15 55

I find most of my shots show characters and their environment. So at a glance of the picture, viewers, can see where the character is and imagine what they might be doing.

19 86

Trying to capture the beauty of Video Games in a cinematic style that is my goal and these are four shots that I believe encapsulate my style.

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I'd say my style definitely shows in I use everything in the game from runic attack/cancelling, to talisman/enchantment effects even dragon fire.

19 72