Elektra is such a freaking bad ass woman! She sees something she wants and takes action on it! What will Devil's Reign do to their relationship?

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I'm here more for Elsa Bloodstone but the latest issue of is out today by & - and it looks incredible ^KB

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Deadpool Thanks to & , Deadpool and Elsa's desperate plight looks great. And thanks to , it's hilarious and heartbreaking in equal measure. Our 8/10 review: https://t.co/It1XFLhkRI

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Wade’s has been broken, smashed, incinerated, mutilated, stabbed and etc.. But what Elsa does might actually sting a bit.

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Other comics to look out for this week include issue 7 by and - don't tell Kelly but I'm really here for ^KB

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Cover for the upcoming art by the incredible , inks by the awesome and colors by the legendary !!!

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