Aleth casually relaxing, holding the a flower which grew around the World Vaults. Seeminlgy an aspect of the universe itself, but I dont think she knows a good name for it yet.

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- Enity name ; Kopaki -
- Title ; The Overseer -

[As per usual, Lore is in the Alt Text]

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Been a while since I posted art

Have a repost

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"How far are you willing to go for love? What are you willing to do to have it all? Is it worth it? Their answers slightly differ."

More lore as hinted at during debut! Eventually both of these will be expanded upon ;D

love me some good evie angst


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Akrios - The Engine of Creation [Humanoid Form]

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"We travelled far, from the deepest depths to the tallest mountains"
"And even if it took us eons to come here, I dont believe our time travelling together was wasted"
"Lets create a Home for ourselves here. Where Darkness, Horror and Order dont have their place"

4 14

Vi-IV - The Wanderer of Dreams [L]
Vi-Rai - The Architect of Horror [R]

As two shards of creation you slept for eons, only to wake to a new world to overshadow your own

Stay where you belong, deep underground.
This new world doesnt welcome you and neither do I.

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