Saturnalia in Vindolanda 🪔🌨️🌲🏺

December's illustration rounds off with a cozy scene of the vicus' neighbours coming together for a boozy Saturnalia 🥂

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Wonderful. What a great way of bringing the past into the present. I loved visiting Vindolanda many years ago and bought a cook book of recipes they'd deduced from their excavations. Their version of baked egg custard is something I make frequently.

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Sketches from Vindolanda - the people on the guided tour were almost as fascinating as the guide

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Just done a lesson on zoom! Really enjoyed doing it! Such fun! Chapter 1: Meet the Family So enjoyable to talk about the history and site of Vindolanda combined with Minimus Latin itself

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What's the story of the Vindolanda leather mouse?

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A horse's face guard (chamfron) found at Vindolanda, England. Dated around the 2ndC it originally had eye guards and brass studs in patterns. Worn during horse sports (Hippika gymnasia) the Romans would display incredible skills while wearing face masks and full decorations.

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Dr Andrew Birley's top 10 Vindolanda finds of the decade. Are any of your favourites on this list?

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The roman fort of Vindolanda on Hadrian's wall has given us the most unique finds in history, the soil lacks oxygen and has acted like a time machine. This is the only original centurion's helmet crest in existence, I will cover more finds from Vindolanda in the next few tweets.

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Minimusculus! It's about the characters from the Minimus Latin course and is based on the fort at Vindolanda.

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Very honoured to have Barbara and Nick Bell and family staying with us The Committee family are all helping this weekend at Vindolanda and The Roman Army Museum. It is going to be a lot of fun!

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Samian Ware workshop with at Vindolanda on 24th June now fully booked. Limited spaces on other dates.

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Wow! Bronze 350 Roman shoes, even 1st-ever Roman skull found at

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Our top 5 finds of 2015 posted on social media. a complete Samian cup found in June

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