Login to Virtual Server success......
Welcome to the New World and enjoy ^_^
Wait, is it just me or something weird is happening to me

32 223

Thanks you yang udah datang, sorry gua share setelah stream lupa upload di twitter..


0 4

[Day - 10] Network 💫💭
"We always work together in our precious virtual world. Right, my comrade?"

4 18

Menelisik perjalanan 100+ hari Harunozuka menjadi Virtual Content Creator:

21 April: Debut Selfclaim
11 Mei: Join
31 Mei: First Livestream
1 Agustus: Debut Circle

Makasih banyak atas dukungannya selama ini. Aku akan terus berjuang! yu mangat~~~

1 21

Another great fanarts from:
1. Eka Vicky Prayoga (Facebook)
2. (Twitter)
3. (Twitter)
4. (Twitter)
I love ;w;)
Thank you so much~

5 50