upcoming Vbabies !!😚

16 203

babu! gais orang yang berjas di quest "bikin ngiler" ini tuh sejenis orang yang ngeberesin virgil kah? beda dengan garde ya? sender pengen ketemu sama orang2 kayak mereka lagi di quest mana aja ya soalnya mereka lucu2

0 4

Virgil Finlay - "Satan yawning on his brazen seat..."
(Weird Tales - March 1939)

4 35

thank you for all the love and support youve shown me and miria!! i promise ill never forget you. i wish i didnt have to say goodbye so soon... but even if we cant be together in the end, im glad to have met all of you dechu!! 💙💛


408 2891

Aaaaa sorry i'm late, Happy Birthday Virgil! I hope many good things come to you.

26 113

i resisted the urge to draw ur stinky feet, happy birthday virgil!!!

53 580

Happy Birthday to the best commander Virgil!✨

32 118

◤ 𝖢𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗈𝖿 𝖢𝗍𝗁𝗎𝗅𝗁𝗎
  首吊りアパート ◢

𝗞𝗣 : 牛乳
┋ 𝗣𝗖 : 🍼♊️Virgil Darren Gemini
    🍼♌️ Audrey Glutto Leo

◆ 𝗘𝗡𝗗 : 両生還

3 5

You may be wondering why Virgil's fans are celebrating her graduation from Kometa. Under normal circumstances, we would be upset. I've personally spent a year of my free time following her as a dedicated fan. Lemme give you the (long) run down.

516 2982

Virgil appreciation post 💦

(He do belong to @/wormwxxd)

3 7

“So we’re the same, huh?”
Virgil fanart!!!! it’s been so long omggg i’m so excited to be back

7 108

Virgil West finds himself phasing into another reality, and once he arrives on 'Earth Two', he learns two things.

1. He isn't alone.
2. Not all the new arrivals are friendly.


3 2

the virgil

our copper king! :D i made him somehow a depressed guy because i cant finish my essay i guess (?

44 216

Maurice Sandoz was born and CS Forester died on this day: so here are three Sandoz covers, plus Forester's appearance in Famous Fantastic Mysteries (Sandoz's covers were by Salvador Dali, Forester's by Virgil Finlay):

5 13



HO1..../Virgile-Alban・La・VISEUR (ひしぎ)
HO2..../Leonard (ナツヲ)
HO3..../Morgana (のいすちゃ)
HO4..../Mickaël (ヱド帝王さん)

もう嫌です 帰りたい 嫌 騎士嫌
騎士辞めた方がいいかも 嗚呼 嗚呼

0 7

He saw Virgil fall down the stairs

1 2

Couldn’t get Witch apprentice Quinn and Fairy prince Virgil off my head after playing a certain game so I tried!😂

Virgil belongs to

1 13