A kind of poster for the Virmire mission 🔥 My favorite quest from the first game! So iconic. Now I thought that the picture shows the characters that can die during this task. So much responsibility on Shepard!

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Ashley and Kaidan deserve to have both survived on Virmire tbh. They could've made an excellent couple and I hate choosing between them, I love them both so much 😭😭😭

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Up in my post-Virmire feelings about how the survivor and Shepard must both feel afterwards

Shepard: 's Teagan

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Because Virmire is the next major step, they're going to meet again, then be separated again..and I don't want -they are meant to be together.

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Do I replay Virmire to save a favourite minor character so I can see them again in ME3??

Kirrahe will forever hold the line.

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wrote a little oneshot for after the Virmire mission. A broken Cassian, and Garrus being a bestie and being there for him 😔


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Mass Effect forces you to make some hard decisions. This one was no different.

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