Happy New Year, dear Wuhan Fans! Thank you for supporting us. Your advice is our motivation to become better and more professional. Visit Wuhan wishes nothing but the best for you.

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We want to know your ideas! For those fans who love cultural contents, which aspects of the culture you prefer? Do you like the unique bridge culture, the abundant food culture or the historical part of Wuhan? Comment below and discuss with us.

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The first bridge above the Yangtze River is the Yangtze River Bridge, which exists for a long time. The well-functioning bridge has a very typical Chinese style. It is said that every couple walks through this bridge will be forever and ever.

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It has been two years since Yang Liping and her team started to design this show. Based on Stravinsky’s creation, they visualise his work, the Rite of Spring, with eastern aesthetics. And they will meet you in Qintai Grand Theatre in December.

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Hello everyone! Here is a question to test you how well you know about Wuhan. Can you distinguish where those three pictures are taken? Please comment below. We are excited to know your answer.
Photo Cr. 温伟栋 蒙晓东 刘玲

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What to do in with your sis? We have thousands of reasons to hang at Zhongshan Avenue. Snapping a picture with the 3D graffiti and old buildings, trying local drinks and snacks, you'll find the day quietly slip away.
Photo Cr: Chen Danni

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Different from the Hot Dry Noodles - the proud city identity card, beef rice noodles are hot, straightforward with a unique a distinctive “legendary” flavor. Wuhan people can have beef rice noodles for three meals in a day. Fancy a try?

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People from another city usually consider Wuhan as a “rough” city. That comes from the forthright dialect of However, if you really get to feel them, you will find the tenderness underneath. and feel the hospitality and integrity of the local people.

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What’s the best place for a summer getaway? Zhangdu Lake Wetland Park in is a natural oxygen bar, with more than 800 cypresses breaking through the water surface. and explore the closest wetland to the Yangtze River!

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Let’s have a quick review of the Wolrd Stamp Exhibition at Not just Yellow Crane Tower and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge are on stamps, the oldest stamp of a Wuhan tea-picking man is considered to be a really rare one. Do you have a stamp collection at your home?

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To commemorate today’s opening of the 2019 World Stamp Exhibition in a set of stamps comes out today with artworks mark the archaeological achievement of China. Even if you are not a stamp lover, the exhibition is a world museum of splendid cultural legacy.

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Ready to rock the summer? I’m sure there’s always one thing left on your checklist. In Acrobatic Hall, you’ll see brand new performances this year at the Acrobatic Festival. With amazing visual effect on the stage, now I believe you are ready ; )

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Strawberry lovers, take note: it’s time for a trip in Wuhan. You can now find HEYTEA in serving its on-season strawberry products. for its freshness and fruitiness in spring!

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Guessing lantern riddles is a popular activity to do on the Lantern Festival. They are quiz written on the lanterns that require you to think outside the box. Now we have a lantern riddle for our fans as well. Reply with your answers!

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1 Day to Chinese New Year! According to one legend, there was a monster named Nian (means “year” in Chinese) come about every New Year’s Eve. So as a tradition, people stay up late today and set off firecrackers at midnight to frighten the bad luck away.

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2 Days to Chinese New Year! Travelling in during spring festival is a full-time job. For the following week, our page will help you discover what to do during the holiday, where to visit, and local folk activities in Wuhan.

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The 7th World Military Games will be held in this year. It is the mascot of the Game, who is called “Bingbing”. Chinese sturgeon, reputed as the living fossil in the water, was taken as the prototype for its design. Is it lovely?

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What’s good about coldness is the scenery it brings. In winter, Wudang Mountain is a wonderland of whiteness and vermilion. If you are planning to visit there, you can take a train from which rides about 3 hours.

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We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. –Swami Vivekananda

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You will never get bored exploring at night. Vox Bar & Livehouse serves affordable beers along with a hefty dose of the local vibe. Rock lovers can also find weekly live music performances here. Come and enjoy!

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