FILM OF THE DAY: Happy 82nd 🎂 to the ever stunning here’s a middling set caper from the height of her era (filmed in ‘66 released in ‘68) elevated by & as dapper old gangsters 🇮🇹

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A small drawing I did to commemorate the 121st birthday of Italian director who was born today on July 7, 1901.

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Dès demain 9h sur, exceptionnelle d’un grand classique transalpin : PAIN, AMOUR ET FANTAISIE de ! Une chronique jubilatoire de l’Italie rurale d’après-guerre avec et À voir en exclu jusqu’au 22 juin.

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My poster for “Il Boom” - 1963 by

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Posters for "Miracolo a Milano" - 1951 by

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