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On #InternationalWomensDay we're celebrating some of the women artists whose work is at #TateStIves
Sandra Blow (1925–2006) was one of the pioneers of the British abstract movement of the 1950s. She moved to Cornwall in the 1990s.
Vivace 1988 © The estate of Sandra Blow
@renatoantares50 @JohnLee90252472 @DavLucia @agustin_gut @dianadep1 @Titas37 @kapii7 @AlessandraCicc6 @ValerioLivia @gori_magnani @CaterinaCategio @ManuelaDora @doritadia @neblaruz @albert_cunill @GiuseppeTurrisi @cecchi_giovanna @PaolaToogoodxme @paoloigna1 @AlbertoLetizia2 @xaloc7 @revove22454 @BryanMatthews23 @CristianeGLima @MaraBussani @Make_u2_happy ..questo è più vivace, caro Renato!
Shamrock Vivaceありがとう………♣️
김빠진 콜라님(@ VIVACE_7799)께 부탁드린 안나와 프란츠 커미션입니다!! 넘 귀엽고 사랑스럽죠...🥹🥹💕💕👍👍👍 멋진 작업물 감사합니다!
‼️#26, #27 Blinking Puppy PFP 리스팅‼️
# 26_Vivace
# 27_A Bite
🌟Blinking Puppy ETH PFP 3종 리스팅 되었습니다!
이때부터 배치를 꽉 차게 하기 시작했었네요
🔔다음 주에는 #28, #29 민팅 예정입니다💕
【#C101 告知】
「Allegro Vivace !」夏コミで頒布したユーフォのアナログイラスト本も持っていきます🎺
🍈→ https://t.co/WDs0BXrJO2
┊ #CXCB22 侵蝕 Shinshoku ver. Vivace
一一 Give me more and more 🌹❤️ 一
Please join us for Vivace's grand finale~
8:30PM PST | 10:30PM CST
YT → https://t.co/8wZQh5zeH6 #YoutaiteWorks
コミックマーケット101で「金曜日東地区 "フ " 45b」に配置されました!コミケWebカタログにてスペース配置場所公開中です! https://t.co/h2jeD2WOZr #C101WebCatalog
鳴名使 茨 オトナシ イバラ ♀ (21)
バンド『vivace logue(ヴィヴァーチェ ローグ)』のギター&ボーカル。
Also now we can compare the sisters! Vivace is older than Maddie, but only by 2 years
Padova medievale e la fraglia dei venditori di pesce
Il vivace affresco raffigurante il Pescivendolo a Palazzo della Ragione mostra il venditore che, abbigliato con un grembiule bianco e munito di una borsa per i soldi, porge tre pesci a un cliente.
👉 https://t.co/RxJdBUIbxy
@Lademarmi Vivace is the worlds most talented roboticist with a god complex. She inherited her fathers massive multinational electronics company, and used both it and her intellect to silently take over the world. She has no empathy and will do horrible things just for fun