Revved on some new illustrations for the latest article Trouble in Cyberspace that puts forth the provocation: We can and should be building VR tools that move toward the explicit empowerment of marginalized bodies in the digital plane ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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I put this together last year.

(Obligatory caveat because people on social media will freak at the slightest provocation: this symbol is for fun, and there is no V30 in development.)

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— Convocation:

Sometimes I think this was a mistake, /her/ mistake.

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reason why Azem was kicked out of the Convocation:
UNAPPROVED fashion concept creation

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Black Clouds / Death and Conflagration / Pestilence

Painted sketches for a triptych titled "Disaster" by Albert Chmielowski, 1870. In the 1880s he left his painting career behind to serve the poor. His life inspired another man to choose a religious vocation: Karol Wojtyla.

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the provocation: what you get:

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Ash, with zero provocation: Boy I sure love Gladion!

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.: This collection was extremely Westwoodian and the duo have not lost their sense of provocation:

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Hey Out of work? Here's your perfect alternate measuring the height of You're welcome.

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