Meet Alfaera and Sarnreth, twin Eladrin's of a more chaotic nature. They were raised to be ranger, like the rest of their siblings but chose to expand their horisons. One became a fighter whilst the other chose the more devious path of a rogue.

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I know I'm late but-
This is Lune Witchclaw, my Half Tiefling-Half Goblin Bard!
He's very feminine, flirty, sneaky+mischievous.
Quotes: "Hey, don't be mad at me! Your husband doesn't just visit ME at the brothel, Honey~"
"Go choke on your stupid gold!"

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Here’s Valden Tarwick, my 18y/o HalflingWarlock! He prefers to stay in the sidelines of town unlike his party, but is a caring soul to those who need it!

A good quote of his would be “Can you please stop thinking about killing the tavern lady for ONE second please?”

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This is Tiresias, my halfling bard. They are very androgynous looking and have not yet revealed their gender. They talk with a fake high class british accent, and my quote would be "Well, there has to be ONE pretty face in the party, right? That would be my job, then."

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and here‘s my Starfinder drow Alandria lol she‘s from a noble family, acts very entitled & is a bitch. She probably has a british accent. „One more stupid comment and I will let you bleed out on the battlefield as I cast every single healing spell I know on myself“

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This is my feral little goblin barbarian Taffy! She‘s small, but strong lol aaand sometimes she blindly charges into battle, whoops „Oh oh! I‘ve got a plan! We find their hiding spot, we engage and then ... we bash their heads in!!! Who‘s with me??“ cue feral screams

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This is Esmerelda, she has the mannerisms of Rarity from mlp and the voice of trinket from hunger games

"i do hope you did not think that a stunt like this would be charming in anyway"

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Nora is a badass monk that doesn’t rly think before she speaks. She’s got a kind of deep raspy voice. An American accent could fit best.

“Look, I know we’re currently trying to escape an evil circus, but can I please steal that lady’s pet dragon!”

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Ash is a LE Fire Genasi Wizard with a rather sad past. Her intelligence is overpowered and this shows when she speaks. Every word is deliberate and well thought out. "Your intelligence is rather lacking, isn't it."
The artwork for this character is by .

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Meet Bellaia, a 25 year old green leathery skinned Tiefling of the Winged bloodline. She is LE and has no issue doing what is needed to "take care" of anyone threatening those she cares for. She is not very wise or intelligent but her charisma is bountiful.

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Hi Love your work!!💖💖
This is my Tiefling Druid, Pye, she's a sarcastic, growchy and a bit of a know it all, she sounds abit like Beatrice from Bojack Horseman
Quote: "Ugh... either you quit your whinning or ill feed you to the wolves myself"

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My human fighter Marian Lark for a Curse of Strahd campaign. Her daughter was killed by vampires & her husband left her to become an alcoholic ✌️

"I have always found kinship in the lizardfolk... I would like to yeet."

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forgot the Part ANYWAY, this is Vee the changeling fighter! She sounds like a mix of Raven and Peridot from Teen Titans and SU respectively, “Can I sit with you guys? Everyone else in this bar looks like an NPC” ❤️❤️

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This is such a fun video! If you do part 2, here's my CE eladrin bard, Piper. She's loud and charismatic, with a high pitched, somewhat gameshow host-esque voice.
Quote: "Why, you can call me Piper, the pan piper on the panpipes! Now, my dear, may I have your name?"

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this is brunella lightheart
(she has a deeper voice with a faint british accent and she’s a freaking badass)
“there will be hopefully no more cubing on this mission”
“give me a meath in the biggest stein you have”

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