So..anyone remember voltron?
I'm not getting back into the show that's for sure I just want to draw them. So here is the boy. Keith.

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Good morning, I finally finished princess allura from voltron as a fallguys character. I just had to make all 3 outfits and I couldn't leave out the mice.

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Newest fallguys character, Today I drew Pidge from voltron, I'll be continuing to draw the cast so check back later for more.

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Voltron poster I finished for the dizzy destiny duo 🖤 if you haven’t checked out their drunk destiny streams, twerking and freaking amazing art - do it now 😍

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Какой-то недоарт за пол часа.
Тупо на вдохновении.
Но я не оч доволен результатом :С
Прям регресс..

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Наконец-то нарисовал Шклэнс.
Опять же дорисовка 3-летнего наброска.
Я так может скоро и все завалы дорисую хД

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Same drawing, 17 months apart ~ jinkies

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Хотел одно, но вышло другое. Ну вообще.. вроде норм хД

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Princess Allura pledged to protect, by saying, “Arus forever” and she always will...

In 2020, you will be seeing more of is my retro art - experimenting of style and sketching, today.

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Aaaah, how did I not know it was day? Have some of my favorite purple space prince art!

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Do I want to call it finished, or do I want to spend 12+ hours filling in details?

I'll probably make it a print on my redbubble either way:

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