I DID THE MODEL OF KLAYLA IN VRSTUDIO! Sadly there is no ribbons availables in the program ;w;

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와 VRstudio로 흑류 만들어보는데 이거 너무 어렵다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 머리카락이 흩날리는중...

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14:00〜 Cakebash@山陽ヤマトCh
21:00〜 CoCTRPG『ソラを望むモノ』@ 8bitVRStudio夢オチさん


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They say that "Progress = Happiness", and here at ARVORE we are striving to innovate and progress each and every day! So many changes in the industry at the moment and we couldn't be more prepared!
Photos by the great

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