“Hey, the two of us are playing a co-op game to everyone on campus from these possessing people, and you’re working with the person responsible to hurt my player 2? Yeah, no, you’re the mini-#boss battle we're taking down. Together!”

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They give you just a

Of love. Joy. Terror.

They feed on what's Fears residing within.

The Lords of Dream and are waiting.

And they want to hear you scream.

5 33

I promised you with my last dying breath that I would never leave you.
Like a constant reminder of your crime, I’m waiting for you every day, every night and no matter where you go or what you do, you cannot put a stop to this haunting.

3 25

We hid under Mama's crepuscular words & their tarot cards, gathering every whimsical dreary we could. It was a noxious gathering—all bubbled eyes upon a massive silence. Persuasion had powered us vivacious, & we knew not to snickersnee with its hedges. 1

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