Hello! I'm a digital artist that loves to draw fan art.(genshin, fate/go, twisted, vtubres) Currently working on perspective and better shading techniques~

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唔知大家鍾唔鍾意本魔王送比大家嘅新年禮物呢 😆
今次本魔王搵咗 幫本魔王整live 2D 同繪圖
個結果本魔王好滿意啊 雖然本魔王要求好多 但佢都好有耐心幫本魔王解決希望仲可以合作啦 *\(^o^)/*

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Over this month I made a few candid type polaroid pictures for a few Vtubres I regular as a gift for the holidays. (1/2)

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我地係來自地獄嘅魔王-王琥.米斯特爾 惡魔-克萊爾
主要語言:粵語 普通話 少量嘅英文 日文(學習中)

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身為魔王又點會單單食燈籠 玩月餅 本魔王仲要食月亮~
本魔王溫馨提示:各位信徒玩蠟燭或使用火嘅時候要小心 唔好導致火災啊! 如果唔係本魔王唔要放過你㗎~
繪師 (ig)

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