Final W0rldtr33 variant cover has been revealed! gorgeous 1:75 incentive variant cover!

Edited by

FOC Monday 20!!!

April 12

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'W0rldtr33' exclusive variant cover x
New series by J. TYNION IV and F. Blanco

39 451

has done it again for us. w0rldtr33 gave me different vibes after reading it last night, thank you sincerely to for the early access for retailers.

Access to VIP can be found here -

this book will be BIG!

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New exclusive cover ( ) for the new series by J. Tynion IV and F. Blanco, 'W0rldtr33'. It will be available only to subscribers via this link:
Btw 20 remarks will also be available for those who are interested.
I hope you like it 🖤

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Ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long…

FOC 3/20
/Blanco/ Bellaire/

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W0rldtr33 my new book with on sale April 12 it won’t be the same without the color and the lettering of the bestest Jordie Bellaire and !!!

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Casi se me pasa pedir en el Previews el W0RLDTR33 Nº1 de Tynion IV y . Que no os pase lo mismo, haced el favor.


You're welcome.

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W0RLDTR33 to debut in eighth issue of IMAGE!: Tynion IV & Blanco’s new series W0RLDTR33 will premiere in the Upcoming IMAGE! this November. The press release follows: Media Release — The upcoming issue of the Image! anthology series…

The post…

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