Waaw SOLD on the first day!😍🙈🙈
I'm sooo happyyyy!
and thank you everyone for the support, fam,
love you🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

18 123

Waaw 😋 me please. Thanks for the offer

0 8

"The one who obtains the knowledge of the secrets of the ‘waaw’ thus acquires the revelation of the supreme sciences according to the most pure modality."

1 10

waaw trend posting

2 67

wAAW a funny lil cat

16 137

congratulations!! your style is so cute waaw 💖🌸🌸 thank you for the opportunity~!

0 1

Waaw, this post really popped off!! In celebration, have some yummy monster romance I've been piling it up.

Angel X Priestess - that's it. That's the tweet 😌♥️ https://t.co/rawCx7P3bm

7 18

waaw you really wanna support me? > V < uhum here's my twitch link, okie? thank you O(〃^▽^〃)o

1 13

miao meow meaw mwa waaw wawaaw

0 13

goes blue to celebrate This is a special issue because you get to know about our work as well as the many superheroes fighting against Also this issue has loads of fun content for young students. Let the evening start with this!

4 18

We need a big push in to help us in the fight against and Lots of synthetic antibiotics have failed clinical trials, prompting a new search for naturally produced

7 18

We collect Phage from natural environments in collaboration with Traditional Owners. Some are ready to defeat an MDR infection and others.. well the pic from says it all

34 101

今年の世界抗菌薬啓発週間(WAAW)のテーマは「Spread Awareness, Stop Resistance」
世界では11月18日から11月24日までが世界抗菌薬啓発週間(WAAW:World Antibiotic Awareness Week)、日本では11月1日から11月30日までが薬剤耐性(AMR)対策推進月間です。

334 613

waaw lucukk, aku pake anakku yg inii namanya roseanne tp buat rp purpose bukan oc twst ku dia di diasomnia

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