Posting some old-ish dhmis humanizations I made since today is the day and that new video still has me SCREECHING-
G O D -

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“Wakey wakey, To the new day, and today is my birthday. The yellow balloon's up in the sky, which means it's time to go outside, it's my birthday! Hello! Yay!” D-3

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I'm not sure if his name is Harry or if it's just fiction name.
But i like red guy too. ♡

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having an artistic quality
wakeywakey jp original in Yutae

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寒さも吹き飛ばすパフォーマンスにファン歓喜!#NCT127 ファーストフルアルバム『#Awaken』リリース記念イベントで六本木ヒルズへ登場

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