🎍Chiimosa the Pandawa🎍

My main Wakfu character, at least how i imagine she would look like within' the games world. She is basically the mom friend of her team, who is constantly in a good mood.

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Начнём с новенкой ОС по вакфу

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Brought you my lovely wakfu kiddos
Here they are from left to right:
Eniripsa Envy, Feca Kid and Sacrier Chlorine)
Actually, they are very cute, but here I decided to draw them as villains

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Seven. Now there are seven of them. I already wrote that seven is a magic number with a lot of things connected, but for me it's just a number.
Sad Seven.

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Four eliatropes. If you count the past, their spirit will be six. It's funny. You need to draw one more and there will be seven of them. Seven is a magic number.
(Disgusting four.Perhaps if there were actually four of them.)
What ideas do you have?

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