The D’erroids have been obsolete for centuries……until now…..

The era of peace has ended ⭕️

Interact to win a free mint spot

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Yesterdays madness stream ended in drawing a CtB version of who turned out to be a perpetually intoxicated ex-royal jester who has the ability to mooch free drinks off anybody.

He was promptly fired after buffing up, as he caused the queens eyes to wander…

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‘The Vale’

My submission for for the event


..The Vale exists to remind us of what once was and what will be, it is the path to determination. We are welcomed by those that have crossed it before us and scorned by those who have yet to wander…

Link 👇

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A double! From tonight's stream! Thanks for tuning in and chatting! We'll finish up the spiral galaxy tomorrow (Sat) on stream at 8pm est

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