
Warbucks was a character in Don't Starve's Hamlet DLC. However he was later cut as Klei found him to be uninteresting and "culturally problematic." He was later replaced by Wormwood

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HIS name is Warbucks, so… profiteering. I think you’re right. McDuck is legit.

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someone help me out here. On our upcoming show, I mentioned that Tatsumi was designed to look like Little Orphan Annie's Daddy Warbucks from hearing old web 1.0 info on the series. Was this true or was this something the internet attached themselves to?

4 18

f Warbucks e Wurt estragadassa.

0 14

16th place - Warbucks
0 votes
can't say i'm surprised

0 5

Young Warbucks was probably a snacc right

1 11

Warbucks' ancient form=snek

(Based on an Ancient Herald)

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