Interior spots for each pamphlet. The sophistication and skill these two-color spots have - not mention how deceptively simple they are - is amazing. Instantly fell in love with this look & style.

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More random Samurai Jack BGs attributed to Scott Wills.

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More Samurai Jack BGs by Scott Wills.

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Samurai Jack (season 5) backgrounds by Chris Brock. Painted in Photoshop.

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Very Mary Blair-ish characters in a Baker's Instant Hot Cocoa ad from the 1950s.

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Boris Artzybasheff was very prolific and amazingly creative. Time Magazine tapped him to do a lot of covers throughout the years.

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WWII anti-war ads & artwork by Ukrainian-born artist Boris Artzybasheff - imagine if Salvador Dali & Jim Flora merged and birthed a wildly innovative and creative love child. Artzybasheff would be it.

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Treasure Island Florida travel brochure - front & back (the front is the right side of image). No artist credit. No date, but prolly early-60s. From my collection - still perplexed by the use of black sun/colorful lines here.

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More interior illustrations from Peter Pan Peanut Butter promotional brochure, 1963. No artist credit.

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Peanut butter history told through a specific lens. Notice that there's a section on George Washington Carver, but don't show his likeness. 🤔#wardsmorguefile

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The cover is somewhat misleading as to what type of artwork is featured inside - stylized ink & wash illustrations (again, no artist credit), which are equally engaging.

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A few more from the Dennison Paper Arts & Crafts brochure - late-1950s to early-60s. No artist credit.

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CORALINE (2009) Other Mother - evil stage character expressions by Shane Prigmore.

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Coraline's Other Mother character designs by Shane Prigmore.

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Other Father character design by Shane Prigmore. Anybody catch the Monkeybone reference here? That was Henry Selick's previous movie he directed.

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Another Dad design for CORALINE by Shane Prigmore.

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More Coraline expressions by Shane Prigmore.

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Concept artwork for CORALINE (2009) by Jon Klassen.

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Concept artwork for CORALINE (2009) by Jon Klassen.

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Jungle concept art for UP - Lou Romano.

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