Draenei shaman starting robe looks beautiful with the warfront aspirant set

0 31

12. Best dungeon
Least spoilery: Ghimlyt Dark. The whole WARFRONT battle vibes there go hard, u really feel like you're in the frontlines

*cough* Amurot, Vanaspati, Babil..
have a lot of spoilery faves an dont wanna openly talk about why i love but..sense of urgency an FEELS

0 1

As some may remember, many similar objects were added kinda in the similar vein of the Arathi Basin / Warfront update, complete with Stromgarde symbols that were later changed to Stormwind ones

0 11

In your own head...

...Doing important things...

I was doing important things on the warfront, you know.

...Well, I may not be able scare you now, but it is more of lack of desire than a lack of ability... Or is it simply that you see me as a teddy bear?

0 0

I really love getting to see an HD undead in one of these, Lilian's customization face especially.

I really hope she gets new armor though because the Horde warfront set really doesn't fit her at this point lol

1 83

WIND ROSE return from the forge, hammering more anthems against the anvil on their new album WARFRONT, out June 10th, 2022 via Napalm Records! Pre order https://t.co/Fomzw0XUOu

18 79

"And everybody lost" seemed like the summary of almost everything in BFA. Being a Horde player just felt so bad throughout the whole expansion, only to be told in a footnote comment at Blizzcon "By the way the Alliance canonically won both warfronts."

1 4

Today’s Libra Report is on Soil from Welcome to the Panties Warfront! He was born October 5! ❤️

4 9

attempting to learn perspective more, with varying degrees of success I think I can do better next time!

8 38

she's getting put back in her weather proof clothes to go back to the Warfront at bozja bc i dont want her catching a cold

0 2

Visual design aside, the WG as a Warcraft weapon is iconic to every Elf & even Trolls too!

Vol'jin, Shadowhunters, Suramar/Silvermoon Guards, & every type of NE sentinel in-game

Hell, even the Warrior/rogue/hunter NPC's in Darkshore Warfront use them!

So why are they DH only?

10 57

[Bozja warfront spoilers a bit]
Met the famed chocobo in a skirmish....did not know this was where they resided.... :,^)

2 2

this also only further convinces me that the warfront armours are a pseudo-replacement of heritage armours and why troll/draenei (or pandaren but they'll likely be forgotten and put last) are going to probably be next as they don't really have any warfront equivalent https://t.co/qowVqN7xgb

0 22

Bozja is a warfront, and what do we know about war?

War. War changes people. Then again, this is a pretty cozy place when you think about it. Come, come with me. I'm sure you'll find your feathers flaring up and adjusting to the warmth. Just mind the rocks.

10 54

This’ll rattle some cages. The Gilnean Princess disappears from the Darkshore warfront one night without a trace. Months later, disturbing reports of Dark Ranger activity make their way back to her father — he refuses to believe that Tess has been seen among them.

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Southern Barrens Warfront
Concept Fan Art : Handclaw -
Estoy cansado de decir que contraten como diseñador Jefe de Blizzard al pedazo de artista Handclaw .

13 36

Demon hunter finally got the cool darkshore warfront glaives

1 42

I thought I would use a bunch of the Mag'har Heritage armour on mine, but ended up going with mostly Warfront armour instead!

The Dark Shaman armour is so good.

0 1

Azoga got her Heritage set!
aaaand I'm only going to use the shoulders from it. >_>
I love this warfront set too much.

0 14

...before the project began, I had a small test run which was more heavily based on the armor seen on the Sunwalker mount. That is a more "realistic" direction.

On the other hand, the plate sets of my current barren warfront project would be also pretty appropriate.

1 17