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Friday night sketch with Wariq character. Digitally done with procreate.
Present by RoughInked production 2022
Upcoming new comic The Wrath of Wariq
Semangat ngomik!
#wariq #thewrathofwariq #comic #comicart #comicseries #comicstyle #comicink #komik #pinup #ngomik #komikindonesia
Let's Ride with Wariq
Present by RoughInked production 2022
Upcoming new comic The Wrath of Wariq
This project means I can collaborate with my friends to create art.
And this is amazing result with Ichsan Ansori as the colorist.
Make even more excited for this Comic project.
Upcoming new comic The Wrath of Wariq.
Let's Ride!!!
Drawing pen using Sakura Pigma Micron set
Semangat ngomik!!
#wariq #thewrathofwariq #comic #comicart #comicseries #comicstyle #comicink #ink #workingprogress #komik #komikindonesia #pinup #ngomik
Continue about the Wariq project.
The art get the color version in the hands of my buddy Elfandiary.
And he does an amazing job again with his digital colors once again. Wariq becomes more alive now.
Guess I've found the material for the cover or poster.
What did you think guys?
Mimin jawab yang mimin tangkap ya, kisanak, hehe.
Wariq merupakan komik Indonesia (cergam). Garapan Om Garrie Gastonny. Beliau juga salah satu orang yang ikut andil dalam cergam Duet Maut dari Skylar Comics.
Baik Duet Maut maupun Wariq akan rilis dalam waktu dekat. https://t.co/WWTlIdvXYz
Jika cergam Wariq diangkat ke layar lebar. Sepertinya Julie Estelle ditakdirkan untuk adisatria ini. Cocok banget! 😍🔥
The Wrath of Wariq Comic
My first attention to creating my own personal comic book is that I can collaborate with other friend artists. I get help from my friend @BryanValenza as the colorist. He really knows what he did with my art for the cover.
#wariq #thewrathofwariq #comic
New update from The Wrath of Wariq
The comic still on progress. I did finish all the sketch pages for one issue. Can't show you guys yet. But I am still have bunch of artwork from this comic.
Thank you so much for all support...
Semangat ngomik!!
#wariq #thewrathofwariq #comic
New Collaboration art with Febri Ferdian.The Wrath of Wariq comic project. Upcoming personal comic. Semangat ngomik!
#wariq #thewrathofwariq #comic #ComicArt #comicink #ink #workingprogress #komik #komikindonesia #pinup #covercomic #komik #semangatngomik #ngomik
The Wrath of Wariq.
I made a lot of sketches for this character before. Warm-up sketch before doing work. To create a good mood before starting my day. And sometimes I continue the sketch to the ink stage until it's finished Upcoming personal comic project
#thewrathofwariq #wariq
The Wrath of Wariq
Upcoming new comic project
The character sheet of Jenar.
Art by me
Colors by @rifans22
#wariq #thewrathofwariq #comic #comicart #comicseries #incomingcomic