National Anthem Stars Spangled Banner September 13-14, 1814: 19 powerful warships armed with rockets attacked Baltimore, Maryland’s Fort McHenry. American Francis Scott Key was on a truce ship where he observed the bombardment. 1/

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in 1812
‘Chase of the CONSTITUTION, July 1812 Painting by Anton Otto Fischer, depicting the boats of U.S. Frigate CONSTITUTION towing her in a calm, while she was being pursued by a squadron of British warships, 18 July 1812’

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On 27th April 1813 American troops captured York (now Toronto), the capital of Upper Canada, in the Battle of York.

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Today in 1812-during the & Indian forces under defeated an American army under General Stephen Van Rensselaer at the on the Niagara frontier in Ontario. The loss dissuaded the USA from any further invasions of

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OTD in 1813, the U.S. wins the Battle of Lake Erie, a key victory in the Never heard of it? We bet you’ve heard of the street which is named because of it. Find out which one, and the origins behind other local street names:

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