Kadva from the old non-canon WaveDancers of (I don't care they're still canon in my alternaverse)

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Sleia, one of my favourite characters among the Old WaveDancers. I know, they're not technically anymore.

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A double-non-canon character; I invented her, and she belongs to the Old WaveDancers. (She's Tilaweed's younger sister. Clearly they take after different parents.)

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Tentus, one of the original (no longer canon) WaveDancers from The characters had a lot of potential so I'm sad the agreement didn't work out.

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Inkbottom, one of the "squirts" in the Original WaveDancers tribe. No longer considered canon but I love the OWD character designs.

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Shoresprout, one of the original (non-canon) WaveDancers from

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Another one of the non-canon Old WaveDancers from How do these elves deal with the constant wedgies???

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Shoresprout from the Old WaveDancers (#Elfquest), who are no longer considered canon. That doesn't stop me from including them in my AU though lol

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Too tired to color properly, so have some crappy slapped-on colors!

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