Apropos of nothing at all- Elune has had a solid vibe/nature in WoW since Wc3

A semi-mysterious almost all powerful celestial goddess.

Moving forward I hope WoW keeps handling her with extreme care

SL backlash shows what happens when that solid concept is mishandled or mangled

27 225


15 111

You may not like it but Druid of the claw from wc3 is what peak performance looks like.

(also another reason I want body types in wow)

40 338


@ Hq0wc3OzGrEgroS

157 1185

silly beach picture based on 'rytpmv' of Alamerd.
It's in Russian, but it's just a little sweet mashup on Lambada using WC3 models and lines

9 32

I fell in love with the Kaldorei back in WC3, and Rhenelle has been my main since 2011. because they deserve better than what Blizzard has done with them over these past few years.

19 115

Another WoW commission! I've always had a soft spot for Tauren since WC3, they're my favourite playable race in (2020)

2 10

It's not done yet but please enjoy Jaina from an alternate timeline in which she wears pants, like in WC3

0 3

Maiev has always been my favorite elf since wc3.
I can't remember if she ever took off her mask but aside from the in-game slivers, the hots team gave her an amazing skin to show off a bit more

0 6

Here's my opinion: The updated Uther model would have a much better silhouette if it aimed for something like the shrine statue. For me the 9.1 model looks like it's trying to mimic that wc3 or Hots style sadly making the it look like that bloated wotlk Arthas model.

6 117

Sorry but wc3 Illidan looked cooler.

0 1

Some symmetry portraits as a break! An original orc NPC from our Warcraft game named Sadras, and our personal take on Jarod Shadowsong based on his original art/his sister Maeiv's design in WC3.

1 11

Sometimes I doodle orcs or other creatures, this time it's the king of orcs
Thank you grubby for your ethics and sportsmanship. 


2 24

There is a female Satyr model in Wc3:R

0 4

Do you remember this guy?
Who would you like to see next from WC3?

54 337

Felguards and Fel Lords, primarily. With a close second being Felstalkers. Always had a soft spot for Felguards all the way back in WC3, and the new Fel Lord in Legion is just so good!

0 2

サークル 良い塩梅/小説 PNネギマミソ

0 2