Love this! It means a lot when a project you’re invested in follows you back.

0 0

Our s are like the devil and the angel on someone's shoulder telling them what to do. Lol 👹👼#wearealpha

2 13

Good Morning Everyone! Me and my Alphas wish you a wonderful day!

3 17

Nothing is impossible. If you have a dream, go after it. Take the first step.

14 66

Alpha Girl Club has just been bought for 0.18ETH!
Check it out...
Congrats to our new owner ktater

1 12

Proud to 💯 represent my Alpha Girl Club. My PFP from day 1 of my Web3 account.

You can always find her on my Twitter pfp, my socials pfp, my desktops screen savers, phone home & locked screens… [and just recently… printed and framed in my home] 😉💕 🌿

Vibes 🫶

0 3

Drop your Alpha below and use it as your Twitter PFP. We’ll pick a few people this week and send an Alpha to your collection.

46 191

People often find happiness and joy in doing good and helping others. We sometimes forget ourselves. Alpha Girl Club gently reminds us to look inward and focus on self-care. Wellness is a NEED vs. WANT. 🫶🏼Community

Bullish with

Something's growing🌿#WeAreAlpha

0 4

Completely bullish on ! This project is being built slowly and organically. The community is strong and the utility will be the link between Web3 and reality. I trust & Co blindly. They are doing an outstanding job!

13 57

Alpha Girl Club has just been bought for 0.09ETH!
Check it out...
Congrats to our new owner apriljoy_

2 4

Our pack values the significance of building a strong community, but more importantly we understand the importance of mental health in web3. At the Doge Park, everyone's an Alpha

7 19

Alpha Girl Club has just been bought for 0.0888ETH!
Check it out...
Congrats to our new owner roseveuve09

1 2

So greatful to be part of this outstanding community! A strong community with strong leadership are the really important things in NFT-Space. AGC is for years, not days or weeks like other projects. Because 💯♥️

9 68

Alpha Girl Club has just been bought for 0.1ETH!
Check it out...
Congrats to our new owner

1 1

Alpha fam check. Post your Alpha and retweet this post.

60 236

Well I got priced out of secondary faster than lightspeed, so I decided to grab my 4th . It was the ONLY nebula skin listed and top 6% in ranking. Had to bring her home.

14 148