gm boomers!
You know that all our nfts include a full body and a pfp? that's because our boomers are characters! they have names, biographies and stories to live in comics!

join our discord to know more about them!

4 22

Do you believe in UFUs? 🛸👾

Unexpected Fun Use for your boomers! 👀
More info... soon!

Hold your boomers, boomers! 💎

8 21

You know boomers will have their own comic stories?
✔️co-created with community
✔️benefits for holders
✔️first steps will begin soon!

Boomers moving forward slowly, taking moments to catch a breath but, like zombies, boomers won't stop!

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Are you done flipping? Maybe you want to mint something and hold it for a change?🫣

Maybe you get lucky and get this young Herb 1:1! 💎🙌🏻

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You won't need a passport to be welcomed at Boomerville! all you'll need is PoB

Show us your Proof of Boomer and our doors we'll be open for you!

flip-up glasses? ✅PoB
belt phone clip? ✅PoB
baseball cap backward? ✅PoB
And the list goes on...

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We want to invite to our family all those who were super excited when instagram announced and now they are like "i don't care, instagram is 💩"

Our doors are open for you!

4 21

What would you do if you were lucky enough to mint our tribute to the one and only "boomerized" as one of our 1:1s?

👉mint your boomers!

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Meet Gus "good eye" Swanson, 69

... As a reverse ager he gets younger every year and in the year 2092 he´ll disappear into his birth...

He is the boomer. His name and bio have been created by community members! Congrats to the winners! 🔥

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good morning boomers! Four days to mint day!

🚨Wallet registration deadline is on Thursday, don't sleep on it! Check our discord server and be ready! Boomers are coming!


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Celebrating being Mod at . I am giving away One (1) Whitelist spot

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“We are Boomers” Collection

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Morning Boomers! This month's spin off comic strip will be the third "Trayedy in three panels" 🖤

💎Only available to those who mint the Collector's Ed. 🧐

👉 get yours on

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