I love everyone on this ship: characters, cast & crew, writers, all behind this stellar show

29 22

High Fives (get it?!?) to everyone out there fighting this good fight! Your passion completely astounds me

4 6

Here to bring you the very last of my BTS Dark Matter photos for this was our stand in for a day on S1!

38 29

This space family takes care of each other. Dark Matter is so different &

74 63

This really did turn into a group hug. We're so glad Six did come home to the crew.

103 61

We LOVED the Android and Three singing in French!

163 96

Dark Matter has the best captain and the most unusual allies. If only they could work together &

128 164

Look at how delighted looks about this! Everyone loves Five excited about tech things!

220 184

ALL Dark Matter's relationships are a delight to watch develop &

102 128

Are you gonna mess with Solara? I didn't think so!

160 60

I ❤️ Dark Matter cause it's brilliant on all levels

22 6

The Raza crew is my extended family and the Raza is my home away from home. I love this show and this crew.

245 147