Doing prompts by I don't have a sona specifically for hazbin, but i have ocs, so for the last prompt i drew my fox boy 👀 "appreciating" Angels "modeling" work.

1 5

Week of Angel Day 6: Hidden Talent/Skill

I like to headcanon that Angel can do something really innocent and lovely like baking! Pies, cookies, cake rolls, and *gasp* MY SPINACH PUFFS!

32 189

Week of Angel Dust Day 4: Self Care!

Do they have Lush bath bombs in hell? Or is it called like... Kush? Or are they just real bombs?

55 322

Week of Angel Day 3: Cuddles 'n' Kisses (pt 1)

Same level of nudity in kids movies and cartoons so I'm not sorry lol

Projection art? Maybe a little...

54 257

Week of Angel Day 2: Kind Deeds/Earning Redemption

There was so much I could do for this, but I just wanted to show something completely sweet and selfless :'D

Kindly Deeds Done For Free

55 298

Doing prompts by 2 is redemption. So i did Angel as an Angel saying goodbye to Charlie and Vaggie before going to heaven.

2 9