Weird Science (1985)

Two high-school nerds use a computer program to literally create the perfect woman, who promptly turns their lives upside-down.

What would you rate this movie out of 10?

5 70

"La chica explosiva" película ochentera por antonomasia.

9 87

Las 100 mejores Canciones Cinéfilas en español

– ‘Ciencia explosiva’
(Airbag, “ENSAMBLE COHETES”, 2003)

“…con tu ordenador, en la cabeza llevo un sujetador. Esto es extraordinario, ha salido del armario…”

0 0

WEIRD SCIENCE (1985) a teen sci-fi comedy written and directed by John Hughes, starring Anthony Michael Hall, Ilan Mitchell-Smith, and Kelly LeBrock (she was perfectly cast in this film).

What's your favorite moment?

Art: Matthew Therrien

5 57

Weird science! That movie was a blast in the 80s when i saw it,
May be now it has aged a bit too much but it will always be in our memories

2 29

Weird Science - Alternative Movie Poster by Matthew Therrien . Back the Indiegogo campaign for now at

5 16

What a youth dream was movie back in the 80s , i love the naive feel of it all.

1 35

Instead of a merchant or inventor like in the story/movies, I decided that Bella's father Maric (a.k.a. Maurice) should be a scientist that's a little bit cooky.

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