Extremely grateful for the community in . So much love and laughter that lights up my day and makes it very fulfilling. Very excited for what's to come!

2 12

In a space with so many copy pasta, it's refreshing to see an authentic project built around organic growth

Don't mint for the sake of quick gains. Would be better to flip derivs imho. Mint cuz you believe in the project, mint cuz you're here to stay

2 11

TMA definitely have one of the best (if not THE BEST) art in the Solana NFT-verse.
Discord is full of positive vibes and alpha, also occasionally riddles and trivia nights with prizes!
...and you haven't joined yet, anon?


3 9

I minted one of these mystics yesterday because of the amazing art, and the even better community! Look at this one! If you like these should be right up your alley!

2 5

The mint of , where I'm a creative artist, is live now! Originally my first NFT project to draw fanart for .
U will love the community of great people and the many events! For more information, pls visit the Discord!

6 13