Smaugust Day 5, featuring the Red Dragon of Wales! In Pantheons, she's a completely benevolent guardian entity, a noted defender of the Kingdom of Avalon.

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The of Welsh legend lurk in woods & forests at night & their quest is to collect the souls of the treacherous. With white coats & red eyes and ears, the growling of these hounds grows ever quieter as they approach .....

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The magical owned by Drudwas ap Tryffin would obey only him. Ironically Drudwas was killed by the creatures after ordering them to kill the first man to arrive at a battle - his opponent was delayed & Drudwas arrived first!

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The Green Man rules the Winter months. He is in a perpetual battle for supremacy with the Green Man (who rules the Summer months) - power shifts between the two at the Spring & Autumn solstices.

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The spectral - Hounds of Hell - prowl woods & forests during the hours of darkness collecting the souls of the damned ...... their eerie howls are loud in the distance, but get ever quieter the closer they get to their prey.

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The magical owned by Drudwas ap Tryffin would obey only him. Ironically Drudwas was killed by the creatures after ordering them to kill the first man to arrive at a battle - his opponent was delayed, so Drudwas arrived first ....

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The spectral - Hounds of Hell - prowl woods & forests during the hours of darkness collecting the souls of the damned ...... their eerie howls are loud in the distance, but get ever quieter the closer they get to their prey.

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There is a perpetual battle for supremacy between the Green Man (ruler of the Winter months) & the Green Man (dominant during the Summer) - the power shifts between the two at the Spring & Autumn solstices.

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The magical birds were given to Drudwas ap Tryffin by his wife & obeyed only him. He was killed by his own birds after ordering them to kill the first arrival at a battle - his opponent was delayed & he arrived first ...

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The magical birds of Drudwas ap Tryffin, wrer given to him by his wife & obeyed only him. He was killed by his own birds after ordering them to kill the first arrival at a battle: his opponent was delayed & he arrived first ...

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After a misunderstanding Geraint & his wife Enid embark on a series of adventures which eventually prove his bravery & chivalry, her faithfulness to him .... and their enduring love for each other

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"She wants to be flowers, but you make her owls. You must not complain, then, if she goes hunting."

Alan Garner, The Owl Service


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