Some old sketches, wh30k historical AU with oprichnik!Curze, boyar!Dorn and so on.

5 22

Продолжаю экспериментировать с портретами

2 35

Я, фанат ЖВ, рисующий Дорна.
Ну у него хотя бы усы, а это уже ересь, как сказала бы моя девушка.

Me, Iron Warriors fan, drawing Dorn.
At least he has mustache, which is already heresy by itself as my gf says.

3 25

Armillus Dynat is in the shop today!
A feared commander and great duellist, he is a perfect warlord to start building your Alpha Legion deck. Wait for the best time to unveil you secret identity and lock down an enemy troop!

1 13