One more This card had a different ability before. As you can see, the Serpent in the picture has two heads so we decided to make two devour abilities.

5 28

One more The main difference is that at the beginning you can see the monster and at the final version you can't but it is implied.

3 13

One more I am not really good in drawing people so the best decision was to hide the merchant behind piles of goods. Only his position was changed in the final version.

2 14

One more Nothing has changed mainly - at the beginning it was a bruiser with an evil face and lots of muscles and at the end he's still a big man that looks intimidating.

1 9

One more I've spent a lot of time drawing it. It may start to destroy a body in different places but there's only one result.

2 17

One more Here I wanted to show you the size of Lesser Spawns - it's a bit bigger than on the picture, it's human-size. That's for illustrative purposes.

4 29

One more A final version has a bit more details but the start version reflects the essence of a card name well.

2 13

Here is one more These arts look as if it is a consistency. He drank at first and then he is far away from the city with his gun.

2 17