First four of the witch Sabbats that I did back in 2020 I’m thinking of redoing some of them when I get a chance. Idk tell me what you peeps thing?🌙

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I've been pretty crap at arting recently, but here's a Wheel of the Year I designed for my witchy practices.

It's been a while since I drew something for me.

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Keep track of the holidays and of the year with this ornate print of the

Perfect for hanging near your or in a sacred space 🌒

Made in our cosy studio!


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Decorate your home for the with this watercolour of a traditionally brown coloured at rest.

Each print is signed by our onboard illustrator, Klara. Available in A4 or A3.

Shop now: 🐇

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Today is a holiday & 1 of 8 Sabbats. Ostara celebrates the , a point of perfect balance on the journey thru the Night & day are equal & in perfect equilibrium. The natural world is coming to life, the Sun is gaining strength.

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"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for a home." — Edith Sitwell. May you have all these things my dear friends 🙏🏼♥️ Happy Winter Solstice!

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Sorry I haven't been posting much guys, gals and nonbinary pals because I've had exams and finals coming up but after break I'll be posting more witchy stuff for Yule anyways here's the wheel of the year for my grimoire

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Cheguei atrasada mas melhor do que não vir, né?
Dia 31 muita gente comemorou o Halloween, mas pra quem celebra a Roda Sul na bruxaria, na verdade foi o dia de celebrar Beltane <3

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Month of May. In neopagan Old Irish “hUath” is the Hawthorn tree of peasant rank. It represents the Father and masculine energies. The Tract states it is “an assembly of for they are terror”. Associated with - barn owls, midnight blue,and poetry.#wheeloftheyear

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for a Witchy Wednesday w/ Boomer!

For witches that celebrate with the Wheel of the Year, Samhain - or Halloween or All Hallows Eve - starts the new year for them.

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Beltane Blessings everyone! 🌙
I hope you have a nice day, do whatever you can to make this a good day even in these bleak times.

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