Time for my annual effort to do a gif of a Whinchat boinging in the wind- normaltimes I wrap the toes tightly around a stalk like coils but this one y'day was supporting full body weight on left inner and right middle toe no problem. https://t.co/2EZQAWsQOc

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A trip up to lovely Alwinton today in the Cheviot hills, always a good bet for a Whinchat sighting, brief views of one today, they blend in really well with upper valley flora, watercolour sketch. Have a good night and long weekend all 👍🍻

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Jane, firstly let me start by saying this Whinchat is simply breathtaking!! Thank you so much for the tag, though I feel I have a lot to live up to here 😂 Here’s my River Warbler from last year. I was quite pleased with this one for a change!!!

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Time for a Whinchat gif. This one on the seawall mid-week doing the stabilised head thing whilst the wind tugged at the dogrose.

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Exhibition Wildlife Art Online Gallery now open. Browse 600 original wildlife works https://t.co/bCQylleaKl including my watercolour of Whinchat.

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The Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) is quite common throughout Europe and in West Asia. They winter primarily in tropical sub-Saharan Africa.

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