Aufgepasst, Kreative! Die DJG Berlin richtet wieder ihren Manga-Wettbewerb aus und der und die sind mit tollen Preisen dabei! Gewinnen könnt ihr zum Beispiel Eintrittskarten für die Connichi in Wiesbaden!

Alle Infos: ➡️

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Fico extremamente feliz, Nádia 🎀
Que continue essa sua sensação de felicidade por todo o dia 💖

Maurice Denis, The Dancers (também conhecido como Eternal Summer, Wiesbaden), c.1905

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I believe there are less than 20-ish tickets left for Bristol, and Wiesbaden will be sold out in the coming days ❤️

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'Herbst in Wiesbaden am Rhein': 1932 autumn tourism poster designed by Fred Overbeck

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The is highlighting this week the painting by Emil Nolde "Poppies in Vase". It belonged to the art collection of Dr. Georg and Lotte Koch in The Koch Family had to flee Nazi Germany and stocked a lift van. More info here ♾️

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This work is currently on view at Frauenmuseum Wiesbaden as part of the exhibition "JUSTINE OTTO: NEW TRADITIONALISTS" until May 15, 2022. ⁠


Please click here to enquire:

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'Herbst in Wiesbaden am Rhein': 1932 autumn tourism poster designed by Fred Overbeck

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Alexej von Jawlensky
(Torsok, 1864-Wiesbaden, 1941), pintor de origen ruso...
“El velo rojo”, (1912)...
Óleo sobre lienzo, 64 x 54 cm...
Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza, Lugano...

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Hans Christiansen (d. 5 January 1945 in Wiesbaden) was a German craftsman and painter of the Jugendstil

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Kurzer Programmhinweis: Am Freitag um 18 Uhr startet auf ein hoffentlich feiner Livestream zu Ich führe euch IRL in durch die Örtlichkeit und danach geht es direkt ins Spiel mit und Wir sehen uns! Gerne RT!

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I'm Natalia, a freelance illustrator based in Wiesbaden, Germany! My art is mostly history or fantasy themed and I love architecture and cute characters :)


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We'll be at Wie.MAI.KAI in Flörsheim near Wiesbaden this weekend!
Join us and check out our game or even play a round or two together with us! 😺
You will find us in the vendors' room (Händlersaal 2). We're looking forward to your visit! ;3

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Maurice Denis, The Dancers (also known as Eternal Summer, Wiesbaden), c.1905

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The Dancers (also known as Eternal Summer, Wiesbaden)

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The Dancers (also known as Eternal Summer, Wiesbaden)

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Starting tonight - in
Great Art, Music, Dance and more! :-)

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