🔴Live now!🔴

's ANIMATED emote is donnneee!

Now for the rest of my stream I will be updating my emotes to match my upcoming new model!

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🔴Live now!🔴

's ANIMATED emote is donnneee!

Now for the rest of my stream I will be updating my emotes to match my upcoming new model!

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🔴Live now!🔴

's ANIMATED emote! is starting to look good! I'm excited!

Curious in how an animated emote is made? Come join the fun! Hope to see you all there!

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🔴Live now!🔴

It's Tuesday! That means we start on 's ANIMATED emote!

Curious in how an animated emote is made? Come join the fun! Hope to see you all there!

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This was kind I’d last minute but i think it came out ok!

Happy Valentine’s Day loser 💙🖤🤍

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Fanart by Danny Dino

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So this was a lovely little surprise!! THANK YOU YOU MADE US BOTH SO BEAUTIFUL!! Merry Christmas 💙🖤

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It was only a matter of time 😂 (thank you my lovely discord)

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